Saturday, November 21, 2009


Watercraft (Boat): concept development

Banana trunk used as float.
Snapped in Sundarbans, West Bengal in 2003


  1. Hats off!
    It is almost a century-my mother moved from village to village with her little dingi-that was almost a fairyland.......

  2. It's a long story my dear.....during her last days she was in fact living in her Noukoghar

  3. Now,finally,her story finds its own abode......
    Your Noukoghar is the symbol of a civilisation where life flows with the passion of rivers......

  4. Thanks. Noukoghar welcomes you. And all your followers.

  5. Fortunately,I have no followers,Swarup.My 'dingi'is not spacious enough for such hapless souls. However,I have many good friends like the architect of 'Noukoghar' and someday they will be happy to discover me here.The world around us is chaging so fast that it is becoming more and more difficult for Amita and her friend Basanti to find an abode 'afar or nigh around'.......

  6. I propose to review last hundred years-with a focus on indivdual man-in the ligt of perceptions and experiences of two women whose 'jibantari' flows past the strands of human history of a tumultuous century.
